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Fundraising Events

Fundraising Events

Sauk Trails Optimist Club Fundraisers

Each year there are various fundraisers that the Optimists participate in to help with raising money for our Club Scholarships and Grants that are provided for community organizations serving youth.  The club has a 501C3 so any contributions can also be accepted by companies or individuals for tax write-off.  We have fundraisers each year which not only include selling Bucky Books, and Fundcrazr tickets, on-line purchases of nuts, and yearly events where Optimists earn money by contributing their time and talent at the Mustard Day, Culver's, and/or the Bratfest.  See some picture of the Fun Time by ALL.


  • Mustard Day

    The Mustard Volunteer Program Downtown Middleton on Saturdays in August is our annual tribute to the king of condiments. National Mustard Day is the biggest fundraising event of the year. Since National Mustard Day is a street festival, most of us will be working outside in different tents, running games for a few dollars each, selling souvenirs & cold drinks, grilling and serving hot dogs, to serve mustard samples. With many volunteers, who earned money for our STOC Foundation for the hours they work, this is an annual VERY FUN Event.  More information is available at:  Mustard-Info.


  • Terry Lynn Nuts

    The TerryLynn Fundraiser profits are for the Sauk Trails Youth Foundation to support youth activities. If you order online, they can have the items shipped directly to your or a customer's home. The profit on the sale will go directly to the Sauk Trails Optmist Club.  More information is available in the STOC Newsletters or Ter-Lyn-Nuts.


  • Culver's 

    About quarterly during a year, a Tuesday is scheduled at the Culver's on Mineral Point Road for 8 optimists who can volunteer (either 4-6 and/or 6-8) at the Culver's.  Duties include welcoming, busing tables, serving food, and other activities.  This is a fun event and another great fundraiser for the STOC Foundation for the hours worked. 


  • Bratfest

    Annually in May, usually during Memorial Day weekend, Optimists can volunteer to help with grilling, wrapping, serving brats & hotdogs to the attendees.  Money earned goes back to club for scholarships and grants.  This is an annual fun time for all Optimists.


  • Fundcrazr

    Sauk Trails particpates in the SWIS District program by selling $20 fundcrazr cards for the football season each fall.  Winners weekly can win anything between $10 and $500 depending on the various scores of games during the week.  At the end of the season, each club receives back between $10-$12, depending on the number of tickets sold by ALL the clubs in the SWIS District. Latest ticket results are:   Fund-Crazr-Results


  • Bucky Books

    Recently in the Fall, the sale of Bucky Books was re-established.  Each book sold by Optimists provides for an amount which goes back directly to our STOC Foundation.  There is also a program for every 5 books sold, 1 more book is free which can also be sold or given away as an incentive gift.