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Our Club Accomplishments

Our Club Accomplishments

•    We have a Bi-weekly SAUK TRAILS Madison Optimist Club Get-Together.
•    We Sponsor the Vel Phillips Memorial Spartan Youth Service Team -JOI  Optimist Team.
•    We Quarterly Honor JOI Students at our Lunch Get-Togethers:
•    We have an Annual STOC Banquet to Share the Year Activities & Induct Future Years Officers;
•    We have an Annual Christmas Party for Youth at the Lussier Center:
•    Annually we have an Essay Contest Club Program for the Youth.
•    Annually we have an Oratorical Contest Club Program for the Youth.
•    Annually we recognize and honor our local police thru a Respect for Law program.
•    We annually Award Scholarships to deserving JOI Students.
•    We annually Award Grants to deserving organizations who support youth.
•    We Annually support a STOC Golf Program for Optimists and Youth interested.
•    We plan Sauk Trails Madison Special Get-Together Dinners for Optimists
•    We contribute to our youth and community foundation through various fundraisers to provide scholarships to youth :
     o    National Mustard Day Program
     o    FundCrazr Program
     o    Culver’s Volunteering Program
     o    Bratfest Volunteering Program
     o    Nut Fundraiser On-line Ordering Program
     o    Bucky Books Program
•    We maintain a STOC Website and Newsletter to share with Optimists and future members about our Club.
•    We work with other service clubs in the community to promote volunteerism.

For more information about these accomplishments please visit our Program page and view some historical pictures below: