Date Description & Time Location Meeting Status

PRESENT:  Dan C., Rick T., Carole, Steve, Bob, Dan B., Mike, Todd, Rick C.

Others Present: Bonnie, Dashni, John

Absent:        Kathy, Nancy, Diane

The meeting was called to order at 5:03 p.m.

1.            Addition to agenda: none

2.            Approval of Board Minutes from 8/9/2016. Steve moved to approve, Mike seconded, Passed unanimously.

3.            Acceptance of August Financial Reports:

There was discussion regarding several members who are behind in their dues. They will be contacted by several board members to see if they wish to continue as members.

Mike moved to accept August financial reports. Kathy seconded. Passed unanimously.

4.                  Membership Report Update:

We are at 46 members.

5.            Board Organization

a.    We are behind on membership goal but close on fundraising.

b.    Bylaws were sent in to OI

6.            Committee Reports

a.    Service

1.    Reach a Child is moving to 6501 Watts Rd., Madison, WI. They will need help with the move.

b.    Christmas party will be December 9th from 4:00-8:00 p.m.

c.    Social

1.    August 24th  Pool Party went well

2.    Golf outing has been canceled. We will retry next summer.

d.    Fundraising

1.    We are close to reaching our goal of $8000 for the year.

e.    End of Year Banquet

1.    Sept. 27th from 5:30-9:00

2.    Mike moved that the cost be $20 per person. Dan seconded. Passed unanimously

7.  New Business

            a. Todd and Diane will be leaving the board. Dashni and John will be joining the board next month. Incoming and outgoing board members were thanked for their service.

            b. Board meetings should continue to be the 2nd Tuesday of each month at Park Bank.

 8.   Adjourn, next meeting will be October 11th  at 5:00 pm. at Park Bank. Bob moved to adjourn, Mike seconded, Passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,
Rick Thomas, Secretary


:  Bob, Rick T., Dan C., Carole, Steve, Rick C., Mike, Todd

Absent:   Dan B., Nancy, Diane, Kathy
The meeting was called to order at 5:50pm.

 Minutes from June 2016 Foundation Meeting. Bob moved to approve, Rick C. seconded.

  1. Financial Report Discussion: Bob reviewed the financials. We are within $150 of our fundraising goal. We have $5000 available for donations.  Dan moved to accept the treasurer’s report, Mike seconded, Passed unanimously

 3.    New Business

a.    The following charities were nominated to receive donations: Horizon, ARC, Lussier, Mellowhood, DAIS, Reach a Child, MOM.

b.    It was suggested we have groups make requests for donations by August 15th each year in the future.

c.    $1000 donations for Horizon, Lussier, and Reach a Child

d.    $500 donations for Dais and  ARC

e.    $250 donation for Mellowhood

f.     Rick C. moved to accept the donations, Steve seconded, Passed unanimously

g.    Carole was thanked for her work as President this past year.

Mike moved that we adjourn until December 13th ,  Bob seconded, Passed unanimously

 Respectfully submitted, Rick Thomas, secretary