PRESENT: Dan C., Rick T., Carole, Steve, Rick C., Diane, Bob, Nancy,
Others Present:
Absent: Mike, Todd, Kathy, Dan B.
The meeting was called to order at 5:03 p.m.
1. Addition to agenda: none
2. Approval of Board Minutes from 5/10/2016. Rick C. moved to approve, Steve seconded, Passed unanimously.
3. Acceptance of May Financial Reports: There are a fair number of outstanding balances that we expect to be paid this month.
Diane moved to accept May financial reports. Dan C. seconds Passed unanimously.
Steve moved to reimburse $158.24 to Bob for Quick Books. Nancy seconded. Passed unanimously.
4. Membership Report Update:
No changes from last month
5. Board Organization
a. We are behind in our membership goal
b. We have 45 regular members and no FOOs
6. Committee Reports
a. Service
1. Rick C. discussed the Christmas party. The entertainer may have to be changed due to a scheduling conflict.
b. Social
1. August 24th Pool Party
2. Possibility of golf outing, tentatively Sept. 24th , Bob and Steve are co-chairs
c. Fundraising
1. Football Craze tickets will be handed out starting this week.
2. Possibility of Mustard Days fundraiser, Bob moved that we help from 9:30-4:00 on August 6th, Steve seconded, there was some concern we might not be able to find enough members to volunteer, Passed unanimously
3. Taste of Madison and a Marathon in the Fall
d. Nominating committee did a great job.
7. New Business.
a. Many open speaker spots
b. End of Year Banquet locations being investigated for Sept. 27th
c. The board decided not to fund the Huegel student
d. 2016 board meetings scheduled for July 12, August 9, and Sept. 13
8. Adjourn, next meeting will be July 12th at 5:00 pm. at Park Bank. Rick C. moved to adjourn, Bob seconded, Passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Rick Thomas, Secretary
Present: Bob, Nancy, Rick T., Diane, Dan C., Carole, Steve, Rick C., Mike
Absent: Todd, Kathy, Dan B.
The meeting was called to order at 5:50pm.
Minutes from March 2016 Foundation Meeting. Bob moved to approve, Diane seconded, passed unanimously.
Financial Report Discussion: Bob reviewed the financials. We are within $500 of our goal with the scheduled fundraisers. Steve moved to accept, Dan seconded, Passed unanimously
3. New Business
a. Allocation of Bratfest and Marathon funds – Bob moved that 30% of the JOOI hours will go to the JOOI club and the rest will go to the Foundation. Mike seconded, Passed unanimously.
b. Contributions to the OI Foundation was discussed. Rick C. moved that we make a $150 donation to the Foundation, Mike seconded, different amounts were discussed, 3 yahs, 5 nays, motion failed. Diane moved that we donate $250 to the OI Foundation, Steve seconded, Passed unanimously
c. There was a $250 restricted donation for scholarships.
d. 2-$1000 scholarships and 1-$250 scholarship were awarded in May
Bob moved that we adjourn until Sept. 13th , Diane seconded, Passed unanimously
Respectfully submitted,
Rick Thomas, secretary