PRESENT: Dan C., Rick T., Carole, Steve, Rick C., Nancy, Todd
Absent: Diane, Mike G., Bob, Dan B., Kathy
The meeting was called to order at 5:05 p.m.
1. Approval of Board Minutes from 1/12/2016. Rick C. moves to approve, Steve seconded, Rick C. was not at the last board meeting. Passed unanimously.
2. Acceptance of December Financial Reports:
No financial report this month.
3. Membership Report Update:
John F. has sent in an application to transfer his membership to our club. Todd moves to approve his membership. Rick C. seconds. Passed unanimously. We now have 48 members and 0 FOOs.
OI has new “One and Done” program for membership recruitment.
4. Board Organization
OI has new “One and Done” program for membership recruitment.
Rick needs to submit Bylaws to OI
5. Committee Reports
a. Service
1. Essay contest was rolled out in late January. Essays are due Feb. 12.
2. Oratorical contest- March 30 is our club contest, Zone contest is April 9, and District is April 30
3. Bratfest – We are trying to sign up as a group. May 27-30
4. Reach-a-Child – Apps and taps on Thursdays
b. Social
1. March 6th – “Leaping” Progressive Dinner
2. May 19th – Twist NOW Meeting
3. June 4th – Reach a Child mini golf tournament
4. August ??? Pool Party
c. Fundraising
1. Basketball lottery – There will be no contest this year.
2. Rick C. is working on sponsors for next year’s Christmas party
6. New Business.
a. Many open speaker spots
b. STOC website sponsorship is available. Steve moves to investigate sponsorships for the website. Dan seconds. Passed unanimously.
c. SWIS meeting on Feb. 6th – Some discussion of format and suggested improvements
d. Nominating committee – Kathy, Steve, Todd, Dan C.
2016 board meetings scheduled for March 8, April 12 and May 10.
7. Adjourn, next meeting will be March 8 at 5:00 pm. at Park Bank. Todd moves to adjourn, Steve seconded. Passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted, Rick Thomas, Secretary