PRESENT: Dan C., Rick T., Bob, Carole, Steve, Dan B., Rick C., Kathy
Absent: Todd, Diane, Mike G., Nancy
The meeting was called to order at 5:02 p.m.
1. Approval of Board Minutes from 11/10/2015. Steve moves to approve, Rick C. seconded, Change “rule” to “expectation” for the President to be at every lunch. Passed unanimously.
2. Acceptance of November Financial Reports:
Bob presented the financial reports. Kathy moves to write Rebecca T. off of Accounts receivable, Dan seconded, Passed unanimously.
Christmas fund has money left over for next year’s event.
Bucky Books fundraiser is the best we have ever done.
Rick C. motions that we accept the report, Dan B. seconds, Passed unanimously.
Bob moved that we charge $7 for the evening wrapping at the Twist. Kathy seconded, Passed unanimously.
3. Membership Report Update:
Dan Schroeder would like to be removed from the roster. Dan B. seconds, Passed unanimously. We now have 47 members and 0 FOOs.
4. Board Organization
a. Service
1. Rick C. reported on the Christmas Party. Served 182 meals and gave out 147 presents.
2. Meals on Wheels is continuing to go well.
b. Social
1. NOW meeting at TWIST on Tuesday, Jan. 5th
2. Progressive dinner is tentatively scheduled for March 6th
c. Fundraising
1. Koeze Nuts – Approximately $1000 profit this year
6. New Business.
a. Luncheon cost will increase to $13 on Jan. 1st
b. Need to find more speakers
c. Todd, Steve and Gene will be helping with Treasurer’s duties while Bob
is gone.
7. 2016 board meetings scheduled for Jan. 12, Feb. 9, March 8, April 12 and May 10.
8. Adjourn, next meeting will be Jan. 12 at 5:00 pm. at Park Bank. Dan B. moves to adjourn, Steve seconded. Passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted, Rick Thomas, Secretary