Date Description & Time Location Meeting Status

PRESENT:  Dan C., Rick T., Nancy, Bonnie, Bob, Carole, Diane, Steve, Dan B., Mike, Todd, Rick C.     Absent:   Kathy

The meeting was called to order at 5:04 p.m.

1.            Approval of Board Minutes from 10/13/2015.  Steve moves to approve, Nancy seconded, Passed unanimously.
2.            Acceptance of October Financial Reports:

Bob presented the financial reports. We are planning on taking two people off of the membership role.  Good financial position. Dan moves to approve $125 for the Lussier X-mas party entertainer. Bob seconded, Passed unanimously.  Bob moves that we pay the $560 JOOI dues, Steve seconded, Passed unanimously. The income statement reflects the approved budget for the year showing a net profit of zero. Rick C. moves to accept the financial report, Dan C.seconds, Passed unanimously.

Carole read the audit committee letter to the board which states that financial reports have been well done. Diane motions that we accept the report, Todd seconds, Passed unanimously.

3.                  Membership Report Update:   Dashni was added as a new member and Bob moves that we drop Rebecca and Denise, Dan B. seconds, passed unanimously. We now have 48 members and 0 FOOs

4.            Board Organization   Carole thought we should change the rule about the President being at every lunch. While it hasn’t been a problem in the past, we should let it be known so we can recruit future Presidents.

Bob will need people to cover the Treasurer position at weekly meetings. Several people were willing to do it.

5.            Committee Reports
.    Service
       1.    Rosewood December 5th starting at 9 a.m.
   Lussier Party on December 11th and gift wrapping on December 9th 
       Steve moves to charge $12 for Dec. 12th evening social and Diane seconds,     Passed unanimously. Diane has the extra wrapping paper and Frank buys additional as needed.
       3.    Madison Marathon, Diane and Nancy worked it but we need to figure out how to get other people to sign up.
   Meals on Wheels is continuing to go well.

b.    Social
       1.    NOW meeting at TWIST on Tuesday, Jan. 5th

c.    Fundraising
      1.    Bucky Books – money is due on Nov. 11th
    Koeze Nuts – Dec. 2nd is the order deadline.

d.    We need a new newsletter editor, ASAP!

6.  New Business.

 Bob discussed the possibility of charging elderly members a lower amount. Diane moves that we charge $25 quarterly dues for special consideration membership. Dan B. seconds, Passed unanimously.

b. Luncheon costs will be rising possibly to $13.

c. We are looking for more speakers.

d. Mike discussed the Essay contest. He will come to several JOOI meetings to pitch the contest.

e. Steve discussed the possibility of an Oratorical contest this year.

 7.    Adjourn, next meeting will be December 15th at 5:00 pm. at Park Bank. Nancy moves to adjourn, Diane seconded.  Passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,   Rick Thomas, Secretary