Tuesday, September 22, 2015 MINUTES
PRESENT: Dan, Rick T., Bonnie, Bob, Carole, Diane, Kathy, Nancy, Todd
Absent: Rebecca, Pete, Rick C., Mike
The meeting was called to order at 5:04 p.m.
1. Approval of Board Minutes from 7/21/2015:
a. Diane moves to approve, Bonnie seconded, Passed unanimously
2. Acceptance of August Financial Reportsa. Bob presented the financial reports. Good cash position. Several outstanding balances that need to be addressed. 72 tickets sold for Football Crazr. Kathy moves to accept the financial report, Nancy seconds, Passed unanimously.
3. Membership Report Update:
a. 48 members and 0 FOO’s as of 9/1/2015. We will try to encourage prospects to join by the end of September. We are even for the year.
4. Old Business:
a. Meals on Wheels has started on Wednesday nights. We are looking towards possibly adding another night.
b. We need to push for volunteers for the Madison Marathon
5. New Business.
a. Bucky Books are in.
b. Banquet will be September 29th at Biaggi’s, cost is $20/person.
c. Bonnie will present on new SWIS and new STOC websites
d. Audit Committee needs to be formed
e. MASCC luncheon will be Oct. 21 at the Sheraton
f. Golf outing will be Sept. 26th\
g. Nancy moves to nominate Rick C. for the Ruth Gordon award, Bonnie Seconds, Passed unanimously
h. Bonnie moves that we do the Koeze Nut fundraiser again this year,
Kathy seconds, passed unanimously
i. Carole is looking to move the meetings to the west side of Madison possibly Park or Capital Bank
j. We need a newsletter replacement for Mary
6. Adjourn, next meeting will be October 13th at 5:00 pm. at Park Bank. Diane moves to adjourn, Bob seconded.Passed unanimously.
Youth & Community Foundation Board of Directors Meeting
Tuesday, September 22, 2015 MINUTES
Present: Bob, Nancy, Rick Thomas, Bonnie, Todd, Diane, Dan, Carole
Absent: Rebecca, Mike, Rick C., Pete
The meeting was called to order at 5:50pm.
1. Minutes from June 2015 Foundation Meeting. Bob moves to approve, Nancy seconds, passed unanimously.
2. Financial Report Discussion 14-15: Bob reviewed the financials. Bob moves to transfer $1000 from the club to the Foundation, Todd seconds, passed unanimously
3. Old Business: None
4. New Business:
a. Bonnie motions (Kathy seconds) that we make donations of
i. Reach a Child -$2000
ii. Lussier - $1000
iii. Special Olympics -$350
Vote = passed unanimously
b. Bonnie moves (Todd seconds) that we make a donation to OI for $150,
Vote = 6 in favor, 2 opposed, motion passes
5. Next meeting will be in December. Kathy moves to adjourn, Nancy seconds, meeting adjourned at 5:56pm