1. Welcome / Agenda Additions
2. May Board Meeting Minutes Approval
3. Financial Reports Acceptance
a. Motion to Reimburse Treasurer for Outstanding Expense
4. Membership Report – AND Membership Activities
5. Board Organization
a. Club Goals Update:
1) 5 New Members NET
2) $8000 raised for foundation
b. Bylaws & Policies??
6. Committee Reports
a. Service
1) ???
b. Social Reminders
1) August ??? - Pool Party at See’s
2) STOC Golf Outing
c. Fundraising
1) Football Craze
2) Other (Bob W.)
d. Nominating Committee – Many thanks!!
7. New Business
a. Meeting Schedule and Speakers
b. EOY Banquet, New Board Induction, Silent Auction!
Set date and place by July 31st
c. Agenda Additions:___________________________
8. Adjourn to July 12th, 2016 at 5pm at Park Bank
Future Meetings: August 9, and September 13
With THANKS to Dan Chart for use of the Board Room at the Bank!