1. Welcome / Agenda Additions
2. March Board Meeting Minutes Approval
3. Financial Reports Acceptance
4. Membership Report – AND Membership Activities
5. Board Organization
a. Club Goals Update: 1) 5 New Members NET
2) $8000 raised for foundation
b. Bylaws & Policies??
6. Committee Reports
a. Service
2) Oratorical Contest - Budget
3) BratFest
4) REACH-A-Child
b. Social Reminders
1) May 19th - TWIST – NOW Meeting
2) August ??? - Pool Party at See’s
c. Fundraising
1) OTHER???
d. Nominating Committee (Kathy, Steve, Todd, Dan C.)
7. New Business
a. Meeting Calendar and Speakers
b. STOC Website Sponsorship
c. Set Remaining Board Meeting Dates
d, “Optimist of the ______” Recognition – WHO
e. Agenda Additions:___________________________
8. Set 2016 Board Meetings:
Adjourn to May 10th , 2016 at 5pm at Park Bank
With THANKS to Dan Chart for use of the Board Room at the Bank!